Poetry from Blue Fred Press

Thursday, October 12, 2006

fridge magnets

we bought each other fridge magnets
declaring our undying friendship
just before our friendship died.
i see them each day
as i reach in for my eggs and juice.
i take a masochistic pleasure
in their cruel reminder
of the illusion that we lost.
and (though i'm ashamed to say)
a manly pride
in the way that i destroyed it.
this is why you'll see them
clinging to my fridge door for a while.
how could i possibly remove
something that affords such fun
when i have little else to occupy
my twisted mind?


M. Shahin said...

A twisted mind perhaps, but often those off of the edge write good poems, and this is one good poem. Thanks for sharing.

Bruce Hodder said...

Thank you very much!